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tiCrypt Installation Guide

Installation Overview

This installation guide is intended for new tiCrypt Users.

If you are an admin and would like to set up an account for a user please read the User Activation Guide.

If you are an escrow user or a site key user and would like to make a tiCrypt account, navigate to Escrow Accounts Setup.


The tiCrypt Connect application launches in the user's browser. The supported tiCrypt browsers are:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

There are five steps from installing tiCrypt to logging in and using it.

1. Install tiCrypt Connect

The first step in tiCrypt installation is to acquire the tiCrypt Connect application.

To install tiCrypt Connect, check your communication channels with your host institution.

  • Send them an message asking for the tiCrypt Connect installation and deployment file.

  • Once you received tiCrypt Connect file save it on your desktop.

  • Next, install the application on your local machine.

    For macOS, access the ".dmg" file from your host institution then drag and drop the tiCrypt App into the Applications folder. Next, access the tiCrypt App from the app menu. In the prompt, click "Open".
    tiCrypt Connect Installation via Mac
  • tiCrypt Connect application is now successfully installed.

2. Import Deployment File

Once you installed ticrypt Connect, click the ticrypt connect edge.dep application file is given by your host institution.

A connect page will open in your browser.

  • Click the Add new deployment button in the top left card.
  • In the prompt, click button in the top center.
    • Alternatively, paste the deployment URL in the box and click button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, find and select the edge.dep file.
  • Click .
  • Click .
  • This is a one-time step that will upload the instructions on how to find the server for your specific deployment.
  • New tiCrypt versions will display an update request prompt upon login.

The ticrypt connect edge.dep file can be uploaded from your local machine or can be pulled from a valid URL.

Import Deployment File

3. Import the Last Frontend Version

Once you imported the deployment file, import the frontend file.

  • In your browser, navigate to ticrypt releases.
  • Select the last version on the ticrypt release page.
  • Click the link text to download the version to your local machine.
  • Back to connect page, click the Version Management button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click button in the top left.
  • In the prompt, find and select the tiCrypt_[version number].szip file.
  • Click .
  • Click to exit the prompt.
  • Click Manage Deployments button in the top right.
  • In the tiCrypt Edge card, click the Arrow button to select a version.
  • Select the last version in the Recommended column.
  • Click Run.

Your installation is complete!

Import Front End
  • You are granted the deployment files and frontend versions from your host institution. You should download them and save them in your personal storage.

Good Practice

  • Since new frontends are regularly released, it's a good idea to import them as they become available.
  • If you do not own the local machine you should remove the ticrypt connect and .dep files from desktop.

4. Register in tiCrypt

Once you are on the login page, you can register for a new tiCrypt account.

  • In the login page, click on the bottom right.

In Step your keys are generated.

  • Click Continue.

In Step you register your details.

  • Type your first and last name and login ID/your email.
  • Optionally, type your contact email, department and position.
  • Type some notes for your admin.
  • Type your encrypted private key password.
  • Re-type your encrypted private key password.
  • Click Register.

In Step your key is downloaded.

  • View the .json file you automatically downloaded which is your private key. Notice its length. Do not edit it.Do not share it.
  • Optionally, click Redownload private key button in the bottom left.
  • Click .
  • Do not login yet.
Register a New tiCrypt Account

Premature Logins

Stop where you are with the registration. Your next step is to wait for your host organization to activate your account. Attempting premature logins will result in your account being indefinitely blocked.

  • Your registration password opens the ''box'' where your private key is located. It is not the private key itself.
  • Keep your .json private key file in your local system so that you can use it whenever you login.
  • We recommend registering an account with your organization email.
  • You may type some notes for your admin if you would like to leave a secured message regarding your registration.
  • Ask your admin to escrow your key in the beginning so your account can be recovered in the future.

5. Login into tiCrypt

Once you registered and your account is activated by an admin you can log in to tiCrypt.

To login to tiCrypt

  • Click the button in the center.
  • In the prompt, find and select your Private key json file.
  • Click .
  • Type your password.
  • Click .

You have successfully logged in!

  • Your private key file will have the format [your-user-name](date).key.json. Example:john(1_13_20).key.json
  • Passwords are automatically cleared after 10 seconds for security purposes.
Login into tiCrypt

Any account that you make only works in the deployment that you created it in. If you make multiple accounts for different deployments in your institution, use the distinct username and email for them.

  • Your roles and permissions are entirely up to the admin who will decide your account role.
  • You may as well be promoted by an admin who will update your account permissions.

Additional Actions

Delete Existing Deployment Files

Users can also manage the deployments that they have within the system as seen in the video below. It may be the case that your institution makes changes to the deployment and you need to erase the old one and import the new one.

To import a new deployment file, open the tiCrypt Connect application from your desktop:

  • Click on Delete button in the top right area.
  • On the tiCrypt Eddge card, click on text at the bottom of the card.
  • In the prompt, click to confirm deletion of old deployment.
  • Next, follow the same upload process as shown in the Deployment File paragraph above.

Delete Existing Frontend Versions

You can also delete the frontend versions the same way that you import them as seen below.

To delete an existing frontend version, open the tiCrypt Connect application from your desktop:

  • Click on Version Management button in the top right area.
  • In the prompt, find the version and click the Delete button on the right.
  • Click on the bottom right.
Delete old frontend version

Alter the Deployment Port

It may be the case that a user has something running on the tiCrypt default port (8080) and they would like to change this.

Users can alter the default port on which tiCrypt runs before they launch.


If the port is not within the given ranges, then part of the system will not work. Please choose a port that is within 8080 - 8089.

To alter the frontend deployment port, open the tiCrypt Connect application from your desktop:

  • Click on Settings button in the top right area.
  • In the prompt, select the Preferred Port field and make the necessary changes.
  • Click on the bottom right.
  • Side tip: The next time you launch, the deployment will be on the new port.

You cannot run two things on the same port nor can you run two instances of tiCrypt period.

Change the deployment port

Switch the Deployment Browser

It may be the case that a user would like tiCrypt to be launched in a specific browser. Users can alter the preferred browser on which tiCrypt runs before they launch.

tiCrypt has two predefined browsers to choose from:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

To switch between deployment browsers, open the tiCrypt Connect application from your desktop:

  • Click on Settings button in the top right area.
  • In the prompt, select the Preferred Browser field and select the appropriate browser.
  • Click on the bottom right.
  • Side tip: The next time you launch, the deployment will be on the selected browser.

If you would like to explicitly and manually enter the browser, select Enter browser path manually and in the Full Filepath to Browser field, define the full path at which the application exists on your local machine.

Change the preffered browser

You must have these browsers on your local computer to use them for the tiCrypt Connect. If you do not, then setting them to default will not do anything.

Import New Frontend Versions

Once you have imported your deployment file, you also need to import the front end. New frontends get released all the time, so it is good practice to import them as you gain access to them. Select "version management" and select the file as seen in the video below.

To import a new frontend version, open the tiCrypt Connect application from your desktop:

  • Click on Version Management button in the top right area.
  • In the prompt, click on button at the top.
  • Select your .szip file from your local machine and click in the bottom right.
  • Click on the bottom right.
  • In the bottom of the tiCrypt Edge card, select the last updated version.
  • Click the Launch button.

The deployment files and frontend versions should be granted to you from your host institution. You should download them and save them to your desktop. Once imported to your connect, you can remove them from your local machine.