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Groups Overview

Groups support collaboration within tiCrypt and allow you to share a file with more users. In a group, you can add, edit, and delete actions only if you are the owner of the group or if you were permitted by your admin.

To view groups navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the group name to open the group overlay.

When navigating to other profiles overlays, you can view Groups in common with you for specific users.


Do not confuse Groups with Teams, an admin action to organize users for data usage purposes. Teams are independent of Groups and vice-versa.

Create a Group

Tagged groups with projects require you to meet security levels. If you still need to meet the project security levels, you can view the tagged group but not its contents. Resources tagged by a project label inherit all the security requirements associated with the project.

To create a group navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the Create group icon in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type a name for your group.
  • Optionally, select a project.
  • Click .

By default, you will be prompted to add users to your group.

  • In the prompt, type the name of the user you would like to add.
  • Select the appropriate permissions for the group member.
  • Click .

Re-type more user names to add more members to the group.


You must be part of the project you want to tag your group with. Multiple groups may be tagged with the same project tag.


Groups tagged with projects are accessible only to members from those projects.


Groups can be accessed both from tab in the right panel and Group Directories in the top left panel. By clicking the Three Dots button in right panel near the group name you can Open Overlay, Rename, Change project or Delete the group.

Rename a Group

To rename a group navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the group name in the top right.
  • Click the Edit group name button from the top left corner.
  • In the prompt, type the new group name.
  • Click .

You can rename groups if you have renaming groups permission from your admin.

View Group Directory

To view group directory navigate to tab in the My files section.

  • Click on the Group Directories in the top left.
  • View all group directories that you are part of.
  • Click the group directory to view its group files.

You can compute disk usage or download the group contents.


Downloading group's contents will remove its encryption. It is your full responsibility to secure the files.

Add and Manage Group Members


Managing group members is conducted by the group owner or a user with edit group permissions from an admin.

To add/manage group members navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the group name to open the group overlay.

To add members to the group:

  • Click the Add a new member button in the top right center.
  • In the prompt, type the name of the user you would like to add.
  • Select the appropriate permissions for the group member.
  • Click .

To manage members in the group:

  • Select any member name from the left panel.
  • View all existing permissions for the selected member.
  • .Tick or Untick permissions for the selected group member.
  • Click on to remove the member from the group.
  • Click on to promote the member to the group owner.
  • Click Exit.

When you give the Add Members permission to a group member, they automatically become a group manager.


Promoting a group member to group owner will strip all your permissions within the group and will immediately grant them full permissions. You cannot delete the group, but you can leave it.


You cannot add members to a tagged project group if you are not a member of the same tagged project.

Remove Members from Group

To remove a member from a group, navigate to tab and find section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the appropriate group name to open the group overlay.
  • Select the user you would like to remove.
  • Click in the top right.
  • In the prompt click .

Removal permissions are usually available to group managers.

Transfer Group Ownership


Transferring ownership will strip all your permissions within the group. You can no longer delete the group, but you can leave it. The new group owners can only delete the group and are no longer able to leave it.

To transfer group ownership navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the group name in the top right.
  • From the member's list, select the manager or member you want to promote to the group owner.
  • Click in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Edit Group Project


Do not confuse edit group with rename group section. You can only edit a group by renaming it. However, with the appropriate permissions from admin, you can also edit group projects.

To edit a group project navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click on the group name in the top right.
  • Click the button from the top right center.
  • Select the project you would like to tag to the group.
  • Click .

You can only tag the groups to projects you are a member of. Project non-members who are part of the group will be able to view the contents of the tagged group once they are granted appropriate user certifications by an admin.


You can also edit project in group by clicking Three dots icon near the group name in the top right then selecting Change project option.

Leave a Group

To leave a group navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click the Three Dots button in right panel near the group name you want to leave.
  • Click the Leave Group option.
  • In the prompt, click .

You cannot leave a group if you are the owner of the group. In this case, you may choose to delete the group.

Delete a Group

Performing a group deletion is irreversible.

To delete a group navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.

  • Click Three Dots button in right panel near the group name you want to delete.
  • Click the Delete option.
  • In the prompt, click .

If you are not the owner of a group, you will only be able to leave the group, not delete it.