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Activate a New tiCrypt Account


Before activating a new user, admins should have the following in place:

  • Created Teams & Team structure
  • Created Groups & Group structure
  • User profiles structure
  • Projects & Project structure (if classified):
    • Security levels, requirements and certifications
  • (Optional ) Virtual machines and Drive structure
  • Confirmation that the users have made an account and are pending activation from an admin

1. Find and Select the Newly Registered User

To find and select a newly created tiCrypt account navigate to in the Users section.

  • Select the appropriate user(s) by checking the box in front of them.

By selecting multiple users, you can register them using bulk actions.

2. Add the User to a Team


By now you must have a team ready. If you forgot to create a team, follow the instructions of Create a new Team section.

Once all newly registered users are selected:

  • Click the Add to team button at the top right corner.
  • Follow the instructions from add user(s) to team section.

3. Change State to Active and escrow on next login

Once all newly registered users are added to a team:

  • Click the Change state button at the top right corner.
  • Follow the instructions from change user state section.

4. Apply the User Profile

Once all newly registered users are set to active and escrow on next login:

  • Click the Apply profile button at the top right corner.
  • Follow the instructions from apply user profile section.

The user(s) can now successfully log into tiCrypt!

Additional Actions

5. Add User to Project


By now you must have a project ready. If you forgot to create a project, follow the instructions of Create a new Project section.

Once all newly registered users are clear to login:

  • Click the Add to project button at the top right corner.
  • Follow the instructions from add user(s) to project section.

6. Share Drive with the User


By now you should have a Virtual Machine configuration and a Drive attached to it. If you forgot to create a virtual machine configuration or a drive, follow the instructions to Create a VM configuration and Create a drive sections.

Once all newly registered users are active:

  • You may allow the user(s) to make their own VMs and drives.
  • You may allow the sub-admin/ project leader to make the drive and share it with the user(s).