Users Overview
To view users navigate to tab in the section in the top right panel.
Search the user you would like to view.
Click on the
user name
to open the user overlay.Optionally, click on the
Three dots
and then clickOpen overlay
option.View the prompt options in the top left panel as follows.
- . Profile: the user profile containing the total number of custom permissions.
- . Account status: whether or not the account has a disable restriction until a specified date.
- . State: whether the user is inactive, active or active and escrow on next login.
- . Role: current user role may be user, sub-administrator, administrator or super-administrator.
View the sections in the left panel that may be displayed on the right as follows.
- . Permissions: current permissions for the user in the system.
- . Teams: the current teams the user is part of.
- . Projects: the current projects the user is a member of.
- . Certifications: the current certifications that the user acquired.
- . Groups in common with you: the current common groups between you and the selected user.
- . Drives: the drives which the user has access to either read-write or read-only.
- . Running Virtual Machines: the running virtual machines the user has access to.
- . Virtual Machine Configurations: the existing virtual machines the user is part of.
The complete user profile overlay is similarly described in
My Profile
To view more information about My Profile
go to profile section in users.
You can access users by clicking the Three Dots
button in right panel near the user name where you can Open Overlay
, Bulk email
users, Make annonuncement
to users or Disable
user's account until
a specified date.