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Backup Overview

There are two different types of backups within tiCrypt.

The first type is a full backup, and this does a complete backup of all the resources. Recovering the resource only requires the information in such a backup.

The second type is an incremental backup that only backs up the data or the changes since the last backup. All the incremental backups between the recovery point and a checkpoint must recover the resources the backup covers.

Backups may be stored on an external backup server (server with SFTP connectivity that holds the backup files externally).

You can use backup software running on an external server to back up your files to tapes or cloud storage. The only requirement is that the server must support SFTP interface. Additionally, any operating system and backup solution can be used.

Backup Strategies

The Backup Strategies specify what type of resource to backup and how often.

Create a Backup Strategy

To create a new backup strategy, navigate to the tab in the Backup Strategies section.

  • Click the Create New Backup Strategy button at the top right panel.

  • In the prompt, type the backup strategy name.

  • Type the Snapshot/Incremental Interval (in days).

  • Type the Checkpoint/Full Interval (in days).

  • .Tick the boxes where your backup strategy applies in the following categories.

    • Team strategy.
    • Project strategy.
    • User strategy.
  • Click .

Create Backup Strategy

You may also right-click on the backup strategy to edit or delete it.


The difference between Snapshot/Incremental Interval and Checkpoint/Full Interval is in the captured data amount.


Strong de-duplication is performed throughout the backup process automatically. Only one copy of metadata and content will be made available.

Edit Backup Strategy

To edit a backup strategy, navigate to the tab in the Backup Strategies section.

  • Select the backup strategy you want to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the backup strategy name, the Snapshot/Incremental Interval, or the Checkpoint/Full Interval.
  • .Tick or Untick the boxes where your backup strategy applies.
  • Click .
Edit Backup Strategy

When creating or editing the backup strategy, you must consider what each option serves for.

Team Strategy For every team in a domain, back up the metadata and the content of every VM drive associated with the team.
Project Strategy 1 For every project in a domain, backup every Vault file tagged with the project.Back up the Vault of every user who is a member of the specified project
Project Strategy 2 For every project in a domain, backup every Vault group tagged with the project.
Project Strategy 3 For every project in a domain, backup all the VM drives tagged with the project.
User Strategy 1 For every project in a domain, backup all the data and content of all Vault files owned by the user and their directory tree.
User Strategy 2 For every project in a domain, backup all Vault groups the user is a member of. For each group, the directory tree will be backed up along with every file shared with the group and metadata for the group itself.
User Strategy 3 For every project in a domain, backup all the data and content of all VMs owned by the user.

Delete Backup Strategy

To delete a backup strategy, navigate to the tab in the Backup Strategies section.

  • Select the backup strategy you want to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
Delete Backup Strategy

Backup Domains

. Backup Domains are collections of users/projects/teams that need to be backed up together.

The Backup Domains specify the specific resource to back up together with the backup strategy. All the resources covered by a backup domain are backed up together.

The backup domains can be set up at the sub-admin level and do not require full admin access. Only resources that the sub-admin has access to can be included in a backup domain. Specifically:

  • If a sub-admin manages a team, the team can be added.
  • If a sub-admin manages a project, the project can be added.
  • If a user is in a team or a project managed by a sub-admin, the user can be added.

Create a Backup Domain

To create a new backup domain, navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • Click the Create New Backup Domain button at the top right panel.
  • In the prompt, type the backup domain name.
  • Select the strategy type.
  • Select the server address type.
    None requires no given address.
  • Click .
Create Backup Domain

You may also right-click on the backup domain to edit or delete it.


The strategy types are created in Backup Strategies section.

View Domain Backup Details

To view the backup details for a domain, navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • Select the domain you want to view the backups of.
  • Click View Backups in the top right.
  • In the window, view domain backups.
  • Additionally, filter the backups by Files, Projects or Users.
  • Click Exit.
View Backups

Perform Backup Domain Check

To perform a backup domain check, navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • In the top right panel, view the options.
  • Click Backup Domain Check button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
Backup Domain Check & Repair

A backup domain check verifies for any errors and repairs backup sequences for all backup domains.

Perform Domain Incremental Backup

To perform an incremental backup navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • Select the domain you want to perform the backup for.
  • Click Snapshot (incremental backup) in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
Snapshot Incremental Backup

Perform Domain Full Backup

To perform a full backup navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • Select the domain you want to perform the backup for.
  • Click Checkpoint (full backup) in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
Checkpoint Full Backup

Edit Backup Domain

To edit a backup domain, navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • Select the backup domain you want to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the backup domain name, backup strategy and backup start time.
  • Alternatively, edit the server address types: None, SFTP, Azure, Google Cloud, or AWS.
  • Click .
Edit Backup Domain

Delete Backup Domain

To delete a backup domain, navigate to the tab in the Backup Domains section.

  • Select the backup strategy you want to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
Delete Backup Domain

Backup Objects

The Backup Objects shows all of the objects in the system that are backed up.

Backup: an incremental or full backup of a specific backup domain at a particular point in time.

External Backup Server: server with SFTP connectivity holds the backup files externally.

Backup Solution: Software running on the external backup server that backs up the files on tapes/cloud. Except for SFTP interface availability, there is no requirement for an external backup server. In particular, any operating system and backup solution can be used.

To create a new backup object, click the Create New Backup Object button at the top right panel.

Type the following details to add an object to a backup domain:

  • The name of the backup domain
  • Object type:
    • User
    • Team
    • Project
  • Fill in the details based on the object type

Click .


There are no editing options for a backup object in tiCrypt.

Create a Backup Object

To create a new backup object, navigate to the tab in the Backup Objects section.

  • Click the Create New Backup Object button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select the backup domain.
  • Select object type between User, Team or Project.
  • Select the user for the backup object.
  • Click .
Create Backup Object

Delete Backup Object

To delete a backup object, navigate to the tab in the Backup Objects section.

  • Select the backup object you want to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

You may also right-click on the backup object and select delete option to individually delete backup objects.


You can select multiple backup objects and delete them simultaneously.

Bulk Delete Backup Objects

Backup Status

View Backup Status

To view backup status, navigate to the tab in the Backup Status section.

  • Select the backup strategy you want to view the status of.
  • View the backup strategy by name, sequence, type (incremental or checkpoint), status (in progress, ended or failed), and by start date.

Abort Backup Strategy

To abort a backup strategy, navigate to the tab in the Backup Status section.

  • Select the backup strategy you would like to abort.
  • Click the Abort Backup button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
Abort Backup

You can only abort a strategy once. After that, the option will not be displayed for that strategy.