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Virtual Machines


The Realms are the hypervisors of a specific type of computer software that is used to create and run virtual machines. This section helps you view which realms and drivers exist in the system. Each Realm is linked to a Drive, whose purpose is to help the backend communicate with the infrastructure.

  • Realms can only be managed in the configuration files.
  • Realms do not connect to other realms.
  • Only super admins can view the backend configuration of a realm.
  • You cannot create your own realms.

View Configuration of Realms

The backend system syncs up automatically every hour to the AWS/Libvirt database.

To view the realms backend configuration navigate to the tab in the Realms section.

  • Select the realm you would like to view.
  • Click the View Config button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the config for AWS/Libvirt.
  • Click .

Use Fix VMs or Fix Drives options if you do not want to wait for the backend to do it in the next hour.

Fix VMs of Realms

To fix the VMs of realms navigate to the tab in the Realms section.

  • Select the realm you want to fix the VMs for.
  • Click the Fix VMs button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Performing this action will sync up all current VMs.

Fix Drives of Realms

To fix the drives of realms navigate to the tab in the Realms section.

  • Select the realm you want to fix the drives for.
  • Click the Fix Drives button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Performing this action will sync up all current drives.

Libvirt Hosts

The Hosts are the servers that host the virtual machines.

  • These servers are physical and exist somewhere.
  • These hosts are the home of the realms.
  • Realms are the software that creates and runs the VMs.
  • Each of these realms consists of servers and other components.

Create Host

To create a host navigate to the tab in the Hosts section.

  • Click the button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select the AWS/Libvirt realm.
  • Type the name of your host.
  • Type the URI address of the realm.
  • Optionally, tick the Use static address translation to use specific static host and type the following.
    • NAT address (valid IPv4)
    • NAT Port base
    • Hardware profile
    • Hardware state
  • Click .

Static address translation allows you to input NAT settings such as IPv4 address and an NAT Port base.

Edit Host

To edit a host navigate to the tab in the Hosts section.

  • Select the host you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type a new name for the host.
  • Click .

You can only edit the name of your host.

Change Host State

To change the state of a host navigate to the tab in the Hosts section.

  • Select the host you want to change the state of.
  • Click the Change state button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select one of the following states.
    • .Enabled: tiCrypt can interact with the host and schedule VMs on it.
    • .No scheduler: tiCrypt can interact with the host; however, it cannot schedule VMs on it.
    • .Disabled: tiCrypt cannot interact with the host, nor can it schedule VMs on it.
  • Click .

States allow a flexible architecture of the Libvirt hosts over Virtual Machines.

Check Host Utilization

To check utilization of a host navigate to the tab in the Hosts section.

  • Select the host where you would like to check the utilization.
  • Click the Check utilization button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the Realm ID and the host utilization of VMs, cores, memory and devices.
  • Click .

You can check the resource utilization that has been used up in the host.

Shutdown all VMs in the Host

To shutdown all VMs of a host navigate to the tab in the Hosts section.

  • Select the host where you would like to shut the VMs down.
  • Click the Shutdown all VMs button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, tick the I accept the risk box.
  • Click .
  • Optionally, click in case of a technical emergency.

When a host is Shut down, all running VMs, service VMs, and data-in VMs of the host (s) will be shut down, which may cause all non-persistent data to be lost.

Delete Host

To delete a host navigate to the tab in the Hosts section.

  • Select the host you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

When you delete a host, you must re-register all VMs previously connected to the host.

Hardware Profiles

The Hardware profiles define the specific VM hosts on the system.

  • VM Hosts inform the scheduler about available resources on the host.
  • Hardware profiles specify the maximum resources that can be utilized for scheduling and running virtual machines on a particular host.

Create Hardware Profile

To create a hardware profile, navigate to the tab in the Hardware profiles section.

  • Click the button at the top right panel.
  • In the prompt, select the AWS/Libvirt realm.
  • Type the name for your hardware profile.
  • Type the hardware profile description.
  • Type the number of cores allocated to the hardware profile.
  • Type the maximum allocated memory capacity.
  • In the Devices section, type the device name, ID and Quantity.
  • Click .

Edit Hardware Profile

To edit a host navigate to the tab in the Hardware profiles section.

  • Select the hardware profile you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the realm, name, description, allocated cores and memory and devices.
  • Once you finished your changes, click .

It would help if you worked with a Nutanix profile to edit or delete hardware profiles.

Delete Hardware Profile

To delete a host navigate to the tab in the Hardware profiles section.

  • Select the hardware profile you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Libvirt Storage Pools

The Libvirt Storage Pools is the interface that allows fast or slow types of drives to be created.

There are different tiers that a user may want to use for their drives, such as flash or slower spindle.

Create Storage Pools

To create a new Libvirt Storage Pool, navigate to the tab in the Hardware profiles section.

  • Click the button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select the AWS/Libvirt realm.
  • Type the name of the storage pool.
  • Select one of the following volume types, which will be stored in the pool.
    • Drives
    • Hardware Setups
    • Raw Volumes
    • Images
    • ISOs
  • Select the default or non-default state for storing drives.
  • Type the storage pool location path in the VM host filesystem.
  • Type the storage pool location path in the Backend host filesystem.
  • Click .

To avoid unusable storage pools, please ensure that the location paths already exist and allow the tiCrypt user to write to both the VM host and the backend host.

Edit Storage Pools

To edit a storage pool navigate to the tab in the Libvirt Storage Pools section.

  • Select the storage pool you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the name, volume type, default state, VM host and Backend host location paths, allocated cores, memory, and devices.
  • Once you finished your changes, click .

Delete Storage Pools

To delete a host navigate to the tab in the Libvirt Storage Pools section.

  • Select the storage pool you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Libvirt Volumes

The Libvirt Volumes are essentially the "disk" where the operating system lives.

  • Users cannot populate the volume tab through tiCrypt.
  • The system backend communicates with the host and requests all volumes that have been integrated into the system.

There are no options with Libvirt Volumes other than viewing, Export data into CSV format or Refresh the data.

VM Images

The VM Images are fully configured virtual machines files that are used during deployment.

  • Virtual machines define the realm, the volume, and the operating system.
  • When creating an image, the OS must match the OS that is associated with the Volume.
  • For each Volume, there can be only one VM Image.

Create VM Image

To create a new VM Image, navigate to the tab in the VM Images section.

  • Click the button at the top right panel.
  • In the prompt, type the Libvirt volume for the VM Image.
  • Type a name for the VM Image.
  • Select the Operating System.
  • Type a description.
  • Click .

Nutanix images must be created through the Nutanix interface, and then they will show up in tiCrypt.

Edit VM Image

To edit a VM Image navigate to the tab in the VM Images section.

  • Select the VM image you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the name, operating system, and description.
  • Click .

Clone VM Image

To clone a VM Image navigate to the tab in the VM Images section.

  • Select the VM image you would like to clone.
  • Click the Clone button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the name of the clone.
  • Click .

Cloning will create an identical image with a different given name.

Delete VM Image

To delete a VM Image navigate to the tab in the VM Images section.

  • Select the VM Image you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Deleting a Libvirt image does not delete the underlying volume. Libvirt images are metadata on top of the actual content.

VM Hardware Setups

The Hardware Setups are configuration setup templates for virtual machines.

Hardware Setups cover the following.

  • Realm The VM will use
  • Virtual machine Image
  • Number of Cores
  • Amount of Memory(RAM)
  • List of Devices such as GPUs/FPGAs
  • Debug options such as pty and console
  • Creator of the hardware setup

Create VM Hardware Setups

To create a new Hardware Setup, navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Click the button in the top right.
  • Type the image for the Hardware Setup.
  • Optionally, thick the Do not apply quotas to this hardware setup to remove any quota restrictions.
  • Optionally, select VNC (virtual video card) in case of debugging.
  • Type the cores` & maximum memory (must be at least 1 GB)
  • Select the number of devices.
  • Optionally, click the Advanced Options button to:
    • .thick the Use GPU with Display if required by VM.
    • Select controller version from default to experimental.
    • Type the configure file prefix path.
    • Type startup script [shell].
    • Type extra XML for Libvirt VM.
  • Next, type a name for the Hardware Setup.
  • Optionally, type a description.
  • The Team(s) name that will use the Hardware Setup.
  • The User(s) name who will use the Hardware Setup.
  • Finally, type the Usage Instructions.
  • Click .

Applying quotas to hardware setups is optional. However, it is recommended to apply quotas for good practice.

Edit VM Hardware Setups

To edit VM Hardware Setups navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setup you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the image, hardware cores and memory, video type, devices, hardware setup name, description, team(s), user(s), and usage instructions.
  • Optionally, edit the advanced options such as graphics card with display output, controller version, configuration file prefix, startup script, and extra XML.
  • Click .

Clone VM Hardware Setups

To clone VM Hardware Setups navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setup you would like to clone.
  • Click the Clone button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the new properties of the clone. (similar to edit action)
  • Click .

Cloning creates a new copy of VM Hardware Setup, while editing only modifies the existing one.

Simulate Allocation for VM Hardware Setups

To simulate allocation for a VM Hardware Setup navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setup you would like to simulate allocation for.
  • Click the Simulate Allocation button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the simulated cores,memory, and devices.
  • Click .

You can simulate how the scheduler would land on the host. This action is commonly used for debugging.

Manage Access in VM Hardware Setups

To manage access in VM Hardware Setups navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setups you would like to manage the access of.
  • Click the Manage Access button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the managing access team.
  • Next, type the users of the managing access team.
  • Click .

If no teams or users are typed in the prompt, the hardware setups will be made public, meaning anyone in the system can access them, regardless of team, so long as they have permission to view hardware setups in general.

Change Image in VM Hardware Setups

To change the image in VM Hardware Setups navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setups you would like to change the image of.
  • Click the Change Image button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the appropriate image.
  • Click .

The new image must belong to the same realm (Libvirt).

Replace Instructions in VM Hardware Setups

To replace instructions in VM Hardware Setups navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setups you would like to replace the instructions for.
  • Click the Replace Instructions button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the hardware setup you would like to copy the instructions from.
    • Click the Copy instructions button on the right.
  • Optionally, type your custom instructions for the hardware setups.
  • Click .

The above set of instructions will be displayed when a VM user clicks the Open Remote Application button in the Virtual Machine with the respective instructions.

Delete VM Hardware Setups

To delete VM Hardware Setups navigate to the tab in the Hardware Setups section.

  • Select the VM Hardware Setup you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

VM Configurations

This tab displays all of the VM configurations in the system of both running and shutdown VMs.

Virtual machines can be shared, edited, shut down and bulk deleted.


VM configurations can be created only from the tab following the instructions in Create VM Configurations section.

Edit VM Configurations

You can edit a VM configuration to a project only if you are part of that project.

To edit VM Configurations navigate to the tab in the VM Configurations section.

  • Select the VM configuration you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the name, team, description, project, hardware setup, home drive(s) and additional options.
  • Once you finished your changes, click .

VMs automatically restart to update the latest editings. Expect your VM to restart after you make edits to it.

Share VM Configurations

Sharing VMs in Management is performed in read-write mode. This function allows multiple VM owners to access a VM if the responsible owner is unavailable.

To share VM Configurations navigate to the tab in the VM Configurations section.

  • Select the VM Configuration you would like to share.
  • Click the Share button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the users you want to share the VM Configuration with.
  • Select if the drive of the VM Configuration will be automatically shared.
  • Click .

You should only share a VM in read-write mode with another VM owner that you trust. If you want to add a user to a VM, navigate to Add users to VM configuration section.

Bulk Email VM Configuration

To bulk email all users of a VM Configuration navigate to the tab in the VM Configurations section.

  • Select the VM Configuration where you would like to bulk email the users.
  • Click the Bulk-email button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click to bulk copy all user emails within the VM Configuration.
  • Click to bulky download all user emails within the VM Configuration into your local machine.
  • Once you finished, click .

You must stop all the configurations planned to be bulky deleted. The same option applies in the Running VMs section.

Shut Down VM Configuration

To shut down VM Configurations navigate to the tab in the VM Configurations section.

  • Select the active VM Configuration you want to shut down.
  • Click the Shutdown button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
  • Alternatively, tick "I accept the risk".
    • Click to force a VM shutdown.

Forcing shutdowns are never recommended because they can damage the file systems on mounted drives, making them unmountable in the future.

Bulk Delete VM Configuration

To bulk delete VM Configurations navigate to the tab in the VM Configurations section.

  • Select the VM Configurations you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

You cannot delete a VM configuration that is currently running.

Running VMs

Admins may view all running virtual machines in the system.

Each VM will display the following columns.

  • The VM Runtime, Owner and Associated team.
  • Whether or not it is a debug machine.
  • Wether or not is a connected machine.
  • The VM configuration.
  • Cores & memory,
  • VM ID, Host Server, IP Address and MAC Address.
  • If no VMs are running, nothing will appear in this tab.
  • The debug collumn in running VMs displays the Debug icon for enabled debug VMs.
  • The VM ID collumn is significant for back-end operations allowing you to copy-paste the VM ID into your code.

View logs of running VMs

To view the logs of a running VM navigate to the tab in the Running VMs section.

  • Select the running VM where you would like to view the logs.
  • Click the View Logs button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the logs by entry and timestamp.
  • Optionally, click Refresh.
  • Click .

Export running VMs in JSON

To export running VMs data in JSON navigate to the tab in the Running VMs section.

  • Select the running VM you would like to export.
  • Click the JSON Export button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the object by users, groups, drives, accessDirectories and profiles.
  • Click Copy to copy the contents in JSON.
  • Additionally, click Download to download the contents in JSON.
  • Click .

View Libvirt XML description of running VMs

To view the Libvirt XML in a running VM navigate to the tab in the Running VMs section.

  • Select the running VM where you want to view the Libvirt XML.
  • Click the Libvirt XML description button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the Libvirt XML backend description.
  • Click .
  • Viewing Libvirt XML descriptions is only available to super-admins.
  • Super-admins can copy-to-clipboard the Libvirt XML description.

Open VNC terminal in running VMs

To open a VNC terminal in a running VM navigate to the tab in the Running VMs section.

  • Select the running VM where you would like to open the VNC terminal.
  • Click the Open VNC terminal button in the top right.
  • In the terminal, type the appropriate command lines to achieve your objective.
  • Click to close the terminal.

Opening a VNC terminal allows running virtual machines in debug mode, enabling you to log in to debug an issue.

Set Project in running VMs

To set project in a running VM navigate to the tab in the Running VMs section.

  • Select the running VM to which you want to set the project.
  • Click the Set Project button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select the project for the running VM.
  • Click .

Use set project option to also declassify running VMs from existing projects.

*Declassification requires admin permissions and membership for the specfied project.

Shut down running VMs

To shut down a running VM navigate to the tab in the Running VMs section.

  • Select the connected VM you want to shut down.
  • Click the Shut down button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .
  • Optionally, tick "I accept the risk" and click to force a shutdown.

Forced VM shutdowns can be very harmful for the VMs. Use this action in case of an emergency only.

Similar to VM configurations section, you can use Bulk-email option to bulk email all users from a specified running VM.

If you own a VM, you will notice additional options similar to the Virtual Machines options such as open remote application, transfer files to/from vault, open SFTP pathway, open terminal.


Learn more about VM actions in the Virtual machines Action Bar section.

Past VMs

The Past VMs will show the hundred most recent VMs that have been shut down or that have become inactive.

  • This section allows you to view logs if something unexpectedly went down.
  • The only action that can be done here is to view logs.

View Past VMs Logs

To view the logs of past VMs navigate to the tab in the Past VMs section.

  • Select the past VM you want to view the logs of.
  • Click the View Logs button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, view the past logs.
  • Optionally, click the Refresh button in the bottom left to refresh the logs.
  • Click .

Service VMs

The Service VMs displays all of the service VMs that exist in the system.

Service VMs:

  • Are used for a more harmonious workflow in updating and maintaining virtual machines.
  • Are virtual machines that have minimal restrictions, have access to the internet but do not have access to the encrypted drives or the vault.
  • Cannot be used for research and they are only available for maintenance by administrators.
  • Are exclusive for this section. They do not exist anywhere else in the system.

Create Service VMs

To create a new Service VM navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Click the button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select an Image (the image choice will determine the realm).
  • Type the number of cores and maximum memory.
  • Type the VM name and the description.
  • Click .

Restart Controller in Service VMs

To restart controller in Service VMs navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Select the service VM you want to restart the controller.
  • Click the Restart button in the top right.

Restarting the controller may disrupt ongoing processes within the service VM. Use with caution.

Shutdown Service VMs

To shutdown Service VMs navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Select the service VM you would like to shut down.
  • Click the Shutdown button in the top right.

Shutting down the service VM may disrupt ongoing processes within the service VM. Use with caution.

Delete Service VMs

To delete Service VMs navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Select the service VM you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Edit Service VMs

To edit Service VMs navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Select the service VM you would like to edit.
  • Click the Edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, edit the image, cores and memory.
  • Edit name and description of the service VM.
  • Once you finished, click .

Open VNC terminal in Service VMs

To open a VNC terminal in Service VMs navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Select the service VM you want to open the VNC in.
  • Click the Remote desktop button in the top right.
  • In the terminal, type the appropriate command lines to achieve your objective.
  • Click to close the terminal.

Power up Service VMs

To power up Service VMs navigate to the tab in the Service VMs section.

  • Select the service VM you would like to power up.
  • Click the Power Up button in the top right.

The collumn Active will display a Checkmark when the service VM is powered up.


If you just shut down your service VM and want to power it up, make sure you re-login before performing this action.


The Drives display all drives that exist in the system.

  • When you create a drive you automatically encrypt it using your public key, and another key that the system generates called a symmetric key.
  • Next, the information is sent and lives on the server.
  • If you would like to share access of the drive with another user, your private key is used to decrypt the symmetric key.
  • Using the receiver's public key, a version of the symmetric key is created, and another chunk of information is sent to the server.
  • The cryptography used for the drives prevents any type of admin from simply granting themselves access to a drive or taking drives over.
  • Only users who were added to or created a drive can access it.

You can access drives and other options from the tab in section as shown in the Drives Overview chapter.

Create New Drive

To create a new drive navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Click the button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type a drive name and team who will use the drive.
  • Optionally, type the name of the drive owner.
  • Select a project for the drive.
  • Select the realm, type the capacity and Libvirt pool.
  • Select the type and format settings.
  • Click .

Edit Drive

To edit a drive navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you would like to edit.
  • Click the edit button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type a new name for the drive.
  • Click .

Transfer Drive Ownership

To transfer drive ownership to another user navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you would like to transfer ownership of.
  • Click the Transfer Ownership button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the new owner name for the drive.
  • Click .

Before transferring drive ownership, you must explicitly share the drive with the new owner in `read-and-write mode. This practice is a global tiCrypt rule.

Change project in Drive

Before you change the project in a drive, you must be part of the project to which you are changing the drive.

To change project in a drive navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you want to change the project for.
  • Click the Change project button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select the appropriate project for your drive.
  • Optionally, tick the Use my permission... box above to override requirements, rules, and memberships in case you must reach an unlisted specific project.
  • Click .

All project changes are audited automatically and permanently.


To remove project from a drive select the appropriate drive then click change project in the top right panel. Select Unlocked option then click .

Share Drive

To share a drive navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you would like to share.
  • Click the Share button in the top right.
  • Type the name of the users/groups you want to share the drive with.
  • Select the read-only mode.
  • Click .
  • Only the read-only mode allows you to share the drive with other users unconditionally.
  • You should only share a drive in read-write mode with the co-owners of the drive.
  • The read-write mode will not allow the shared user to further share the drive with other users.
  • Although read-write can be shared with a read-write user if it is unmounted from your VM, it servers the writting purposes only.

Share Drive ID

To share a drives' ID navigate to the tab and select the drives section.

  • Select the drive you want to share the ID of.

  • Click Copy button near long character code in the ID column.

  • Paste the drive ID in the appropriate location.

Unshare Drive with everyone

To unshare a drive with everyone navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you would like to unshare.
  • Click the Unshare from everyone else button in the top right.
  • The drive is now unshared with everyone.

Unshare Drive with User

To unshare a drive with a user/group navigate to the tab and select the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you would like to unshare.
  • Click the Share button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, search and select the users you want to unshare the drive with.
  • Click the Delete button from the right of the selected user.
  • Click .

Delete Drive

To delete a drive navigate to the tab in the Drives section.

  • Select the drive you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the full name of the drive.
  • Click .

You may also Detach a drive by navigating the tab in section as shown in the Drives section.

ISO Images

The ISO images section displays all images that are uploaded in the system.

  • Each ISO image displays the name, realm, owner, file, and team, whether it is bootable or has a service, readers, and tokens.
  • This section only displays upload ISO Images.

Upload ISO Image

To upload an ISO Image navigate to the tab in the ISO Images section.

  • Click the Upload ISO button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, select the realm for the ISO Image.
  • Drag and drop the ISO file from your local machine.
  • Type the name for your ISO Image.
  • Type the description.
  • Select whether the ISO will be bootable or not.
  • Select the Team(s) that will use the ISO image.
  • Select the User(s) that will use the ISO image.
  • Click .

When selecting whether or not the ISO will be bootable, you can choose the option "Bootable only for service VMs", resulting in a dedicated ISO file for your Service VMs.

Similar to other sections, you can Bulk-email all users who use the selected ISO file.

Licensing Servers

The Licensing Servers allow users to add IP addresses that all of the virtual machines can connect to.

  • These servers allow you to create entries in an allowed list that all VMs can access when running.
  • This may be used to contact licensing servers for software.

Create Licensing Servers

To create a new Licensing Server navigate to the tab in the Licensing Servers section.

  • Click the button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, type the servers domain name (or IPv4 Address).
  • Type the port numbers.
  • Select the protocol (TCP or UDP).
  • Optionally, select a property Group.
  • Select a deactivation date for the server. Click .

Property Groups are generic metadata that allow you group related licensing servers.

Re-sync Licensing Servers

To re-sync a Licensing Server navigate to the tab in the Licensing Servers section.

  • Click the Resync Rules button in the top right.
  • All servers are now re-synced.

Delete Licensing Servers

To delete a Licensing Server navigate to the tab in the Licensing Servers section.

  • Select the Licensing Server you would like to delete.
  • Click the Delete button in the top right.
  • In the prompt, click .

Additionally, you can Export the Licensing Server data into CSV format or Refresh the displayed server data.