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Getting Started


The tiCrypt Connect application allows a user to connect to their secure system, without it the user will not be able to access the system.

Supported Browsers

The tiCrypt Connect application launches in the user's browser. The supported tiCrypt browsers are:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Microsoft Edge

Installation Instructions

For Windows, run the tiCrypt Connect installer by double-clicking the file and following the installation prompts.

Deployment File

Once the tiCrypt Connect application installation process is completed, users will need to launch the application and upload a deployment file (.dep file) given to them by their institution. This action is a one-time action that will upload instructions on how to find the server for your specific deployment. Click on the UPLOAD DEPLOYMENT FILE to upload the file. The file can be uploaded from your local machine or can be pulled from a valid URL.

Import Deployment File

Users can also manage the deployments that they have within the system as seen in the video below. It may be the case that your institution makes changes to the deployment and you need to erase the old one and import the new one. You can do so as seen in the video below.

Import Deployment File

Manage the frontend versions

Once you have imported your deployment file, you also need to import the front end. New frontends get released all the time, so it is good practice to import them as you gain access to them. Select "version management" and select the file as seen in the video below.


The deployment files and frontend versions should be granted to you from your host institution. You should download them and save them to your desktop. Once imported to your connect, you can remove them from your local.

You can also delete the frontend versions the same way that you import them as seen below.

Delete a version

Alter the connect

It may be the case that a user has something running on the tiCrypt default port (8080) and they would like to change this. Users can alter the default port on which tiCrypt runs by selecting the settings icon in the top right of the screen BEFORE they launch. A modal will appear that gives a recommended range of ports to use. If the port is not within the given ranges, then part of the system will not work. PLEASE choose a port that is within 8080 - 8089. After clicking save, the next time the user launches it will be on the new port.


You cannot run two things on the same port nor can you run two instances of tiCrypt period.

Change the port

It may be the case that a user would like tiCrypt to be launched in a specific browser. Users can alter this by selecting the settings icon in the top right of the screen BEFORE they launch. A modal will appear that has two sections that need to be specified for the browser. tiCrypt has three predefined browsers to choose from: Google chrome, Firefox, and Opera. To switch between those three, select the Predefined for the first entry box and select one of the three for the second entry box.

If a user would like to explicitly and manually enter the browser, they must select "Manual Entry" and in the second box, they must define the path at which the application exists on their local computer.


YOU MUST have these browsers on your local computer to use them for the tiCrypt Connect. If you do not, then setting them to default will not do anything.

Change the browser