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User Menu

A tiCrypt user can view account information by accessing the user menu card in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This user menu allows the user to view specific account actions. The menu is present in all tabs of tiCrypt and can be accessed at any time. The menu actions are listed below.

My ProfileBy clicking on my profile icon, the user can display basic account information about the account.
Theme By clicking on the theme icon, the user can change the color theme of the system. Options include a dark mode, cool gray, and high contrast.
My Team's Resource UsageBy clicking on the Team Quotas icon, the user can see the resource usage of any of the teams in which they are a member.
Log OutBy clicking on the logout icon, the user will be logged out of the system. Closing the window will also log you out of the active session.
Suspend By clicking on the suspend icon, the user will keep the current session active but will lock the session with the private key still in memory. The private key password will be needed to unlock the session and continue.
Change PasswordBy clicking on the change password icon, the user can change the private key's password.

The user menu can be accessed by selecting your name in the top right corner as seen below.

User Menu


A user can view all of the information about their account by selecting their profile. What is displayed is their permissions, teams, projects, and what type of user they are.

My Profile

Through the user profile, you can access your permissions, the teams you are a part of, the projects you are a part of, and your certifications.


Users can view the permissions that are granted to them. To see your permissions, click on the user menu and then select "My Profile." A modal will appear that displays all of your permissions. Users with the correct permissions may also alter their permissions here. Users can grant or deny entire bulks of permissions or grant or deny a single one from that topic as seen below.

Menu Permissions


Users can view the teams they are a part of in this tab. If they have the correct permissions, users can remove themselves from a team or add themselves to a team in this tab.



Users can view the projects they are a part of in this tab. If they have the correct permissions, users can remove themselves from a project, edit the project, or add themselves to a project in this tab.

Projects in profile


Users can view the certifications that they obtain. Select "My Profile" from the menu dropdown. Navigate to the certifications as seen below. Users can add, remove or edit certifications here.



The collaborative collective in tiCrypt; often used in tandem with Projects


Users can change the theme of the system. This action goes into effect immediately. Users can change the themes as many times as they would like.


Team's Resource Usage

Users can view all of the teams in which they are a part of's resource usage. If the user is not granted access to see their teams (view roles and permissions) then this modal will appear empty.

Team Quotas


A user may wish to suspend their account if they do not want to completely log out of the session, but would like to protect their account. Suspending the account requires the user to enter their private key password and navigates them back to session. Suspension is useful in the case that a user must walk away from their desk for a moment. The user has an hour of being suspended before they are logged out.


Change Password

The self-explanatory feature to change the password that lets you in tiCrypt while working hand in hand with PKI.

Two additional functionalities close to the user profile are:

Tasks By clicking the task icon, the user will see the task bar. This shows all pending and completed tasks during the session. Examples of tasks are file upload, file download, transfers to and from the VM.
Message LogBy clicking the task icon, the user will see their messaging activity.

Log Out

A user can log out of the system - once they do this, their session expires.

Log Out


A user can view all of the pending tasks in the system such as file upload or connecting to a virtual machine in the tasks tab as seen below. When tasks begin, a notification on the bottom left also appears.

view tasks


Users can view their notifications by selecting the bell icon located to the left of their user name. What populates in this modal includes messages sent directly to the user or to groups in which the user is in. Notifcations also appear when files are shared. Users receive a notification when they themselves send out messages or share their own files. Notifications older than 3 months do not appear. A user can clear the notifications by selecting the "CLOSE ALL" button located at the top right of the modal. To exit the modal, the user must click anywhere outside of the modal.
