- New Compute Disk Usage for the Vault
- New Drive detach confirmation
- New Display project membership expiration in the management table
- New Add drive unattached confirmation mistake
- New Add drive letters to VM File tree
- Fix: VM to Vault transfer
- Fix: Utilize new API to list large entries (over 256) from Vault
- Fix: Notification for re-syncing license rules
- Fix: Recursive copy group share
- Fix: Read-write drive selector choice selectable upon changing drive
- Fix: VM permissions checkboxes fixed
- Fix: Add drive unattached confirmation modal
- Fix: Audit log table under Management CSS change
- Fix: File action bar clears for deselecting and selecting all
- Fix: Hide DNE error when not relevant for VM start up
Compute Disk Usage for the Vault
Drive Detach Confirmation
Drive letters are now displayed
Add drive letters to VM File tree
Project membership expiration
Resyncing License Notification