📄️ What is the difference between teams and groups?
Teams are access controlled while groups are cyrptographic.
📄️ What is the relationship between user profiles and team memberships?
User profiles allow you to avoid manual work for users' permissions when they reach a security level.
📄️ What is the difference between team memberships and project memberships?
User profiles allow you to avoid manual work for users' permissions when they reach a security level.
📄️ How do I manage VMs based on teams?
Teams have nothing in common with the VMs. You manage them separately.
📄️ What is the relationship between team memberships and user certifications?
Team memberships is an approval mechanism for a team while user certification is an approval mechanism for project security requirements.
📄️ How do I increase my team's VM CPU & RAM Usage?
Create a new VM and add your team to it.
📄️ How to change my team's resource utilization?
Team resource utilization guidelines.