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VM images successfully integrate into the tiCrypt environment, only when:

  • The VM image runs correctly the tiCrypt VM Controller.
  • The VM image registers the VM with the tiCrypt infrastructure.

Failure to register and run the VM image correctly will result in the VM being killed by the tiCrypt backend for security reasons.


  • VM: A virtual machine that emulates real hardware such as CPUs and drives, and will boot from a VM Image.
  • VM Image: The boot drive of a VM. It provides the base operating system when fully installed and set up.
  • Hardware Profiles: The tiCrypt specification of hardware setup and its associated VM Image.
  • UUID: Universal unique identifier; an ID that is guaranteed to be unique.
  • Websocket: A continuous, long-running communication channel to a web server.
  • Bitlocker: Microsoft Windows security feature that provides full disk encryption.
  • LUKS: Linux Unified Key Setup security feature that provides full disk encryption.
  • tiCrypt Stub: Program running on the VM that bootstraps the tiCrypt security mechanism. It also watches and restarts the tiCrypt VM Controller in case of crashes or updates.
  • tiCrypt VM Controller: Program running on the VM that controls the VM on behalf of the user and ensures/enforces all the security mechanisms.
  • tiCrypt Controller Server: tiCrypt component that provides the global configuration file and the latest version of the tiCrypt VM Controller.