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Install VM Stub


These actions are performed while preparing the VM disk image and assuming that you have an active VM running the image.


This step is critical. If the VM Stub is not installed correctly, the VM will not integrate into the tiCrypt infrastructure.


All the steps in this section require root access for Linux and Administrator access for Windows.

Linux VM Stub installation

Grab the installation RPM from link: {stubp}{stubv}/ticrypt-vm-controller-{stubv}-1.el7.x86_64.rpm[] [source,bash,subs="attributes+"]

Run as root

yum install wget # just in case
wget {stubp}{stubv}/ticrypt-vm-controller-{stubv}-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
yum install ticrypt-vm-controller-{stubv}-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
systemctl enable ticrypt-vm-controller.service

  • At this point, the VM Stub is installed.

By default, SSH is installed and enabled in Linux. The next step is critical.

  • Disable the SSH service with the command:
systemctl disable sshd

Alternatively, you can edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the port from 22 to something else (i.e. 2022) if you still need SSH while you build the image.


Running SSH even on a different port in the final image is not recommended. As the last step, you should disable the SSH service.

Set up networking

As root, create the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with content. If another content is in place, remove it and replace it with this version.


When the image is prepared in tools like Virtual Box, the network name is different than tiCrypt infrastructure. The networking will not work without interface eth0 set up.

Windows VM Stub installation

Download the installer from link: {stubp}{stubv}/tiCryptVMControllerInstall_v{stubv}.msi[]

  • Follow the installation instructions.

Installing from ISO

For convenience, both the Linux and Windows installers are packaged as an ISO image that can be attached as a CD-ROM to the Virtual Machine.

  • You can download it from link: {stubp}{stubv}/tiCrypt%20VM%20Software.iso[]x86_64