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The tiCrypt server has two major components:

  • The tiCrypt backend

  • The tiCrypt VM Controller service

The tiCrypt backend

The tiCrypt backend provides most of the functionality of tiCrypt. It is by far the most complicated part of the tiCrypt server.

The tiCrypt backend has a modular architecture and consists of 10 services:

ticrypt-authtiCrypt authorization and user management
ticrypt-resttiCrypt REST API service
ticrypt-file-managertiCrypt file and directory manager
ticrypt-storagetiCrypt storage service
ticrypt-vmtiCrypt VM manager
ticrypt-proxytiCrypt VM-connection proxy
ticrypt-loggertiCrypt logging service
ticrypt-statstiCrypt statistical gathering
ticrypt-notificationstiCrypt notifications service
ticrypt-maintenancetiCrypt maintenance tasks

Each of the services has a different role and interacts only loosely with the other services. The tiCrypt services are designed so that they can be deployed on independent computers and communicate exclusively via TCP connections.


Find more about ticrypt-rest from the token-based REST API chapter.

The tiCrypt VM Controller Service

This is a simple signed code delivery service implemented using Nginx. It consists of a set of flat files and integration with Nginx.