Files, Directories and Projects
File Tree
The file tree allows for quick and convenient vault navigation. It is located on the lefthand side of the screen and it contains the following:
Action | Notes |
My Files | My Files shows all the files and directories contained in the user's vault. |
Group Directories | Group Directories show all the groups the user is a member or owner of. |
Inboxes | Inboxes shows all the active inboxes the user has in the vault. |
Shared With Me | Shared with me shows all files and directories that have been shared with the user. |
Shared By Me | Shared by me shows all the files and directories that have been shared by the user. |
Owned By Me | Owned by me shows all the files and directories that are being owned by the user. |
Downloads | Downloads shows all the resources that have been downloaded to the local system. This includes any files transferred through local machine transfer. |
Trash | Any file that is deleted from the vault will be moved into the trash folder. From here, the user can permanently delete the file or restore the file into the vault. |
The first button to the right of the "my Files" tag on the lefthand side is the create directory button. A directory is a folder that a user may want for the organization of files. These directories can be shared the same way that files can.
File Actions
Once a file is selected, a toolbar will appear at the top of the middle panel. The toolbar contains the following file actions.
Action | Notes |
Classify | Users can classify a resource by tagging it to a project for security reasons. |
Delete | Users can select the 'Delete' icon, which will send the file to the trash. From there, it can be permanently deleted. |
Share | Users can select the 'Share' icon, which will open the share modal window. More information can be found in the File Share section. |
History | Users can select the 'File History' icon, which will show a complete history of how the file was shared and accessed in the system. |
Rename | Users can select the 'Rename' icon, which will allow for the renaming of the selected file. |
Download | Users can select the 'Download' icon, which will prompt the download of the file out of the secure environment onto the local workstation of the user. |
View | Users can select the 'Download' icon, which will prompt the download of the file out of the secure environment onto the local workstation of the user. |
These actions can also be accessed by right-clicking on the highlighted file. Not all of the same actions will appear as the ones in the menu. What can be accessed with a right-click on a file is as follows.
Action | Notes |
Delete | Users can select the 'Delete' icon, which will send the file to the trash. From there, it can be permanently deleted. |
Share | Users can select the 'Share' icon, which will open the share modal window. More information can be found in the File Share section. |
History | Users can select the 'File History' icon, which will show a complete history of how the file was shared and accessed in the system. |
Rename | Users can select the 'Rename' icon, which will allow for the renaming of the selected file. |
View | Users can select the 'Download' icon, which will prompt the download of the file out of the secure environment onto the local workstation of the user. |
Download | Users can select the 'Download' icon, which will prompt the download of the file out of the secure environment onto the local workstation of the user. |
Classify a file
If a user would like to put permissions on who can access a file, they can classify the file by assigning it to a project. The user can do this by selecting the file in which they would like to classify and select clip board button that populates once you select the resource as seen below. Users can only classify files to projects that they are in. If a user is not in a project, it will not populate in the modal. Only users with special permissions are allowed to declassify a resource.
A user can delete a file by selecting the trash button.
File Sharing
A user may wish to share a file with another user or a group of users. The methodology for file sharing is the same for both cases.
Using the share button
A user must click on the file or folder that they would like to share. Once clicked, a menu will appear in the same header as "My Files." The icon located second from the left is the share button. Once clicked, a modal will appear that has inputs for a specific user in which to share, a specific group in which to share, or both. In tiCrypt, shared files can maintain an expiration date set by the sharer of the file. The sharer can choose an expiration date, or click the checkbox that indicates "Never expires."
Using the Drag and Drop method
A user may choose to share using drag and drop. The user must go into the users tab in the top right corner, and select the user in which they would like to share with. Once the file is dragged from "My Files" onto the name of the user, the user will be highlighted, and that is when the file may be dropped.
A user may drag a file from their local computer into a Group Directory in which they are part of using the same drag and drop method shown above.
File History
A user can view the history of a file which includes when it was accessed when it was tagged to a project, and with whom it was shared.
File Rename
Once the file exists in "My Files" the user may wish to rename the file, as it utilizes the name that exists on the local computer. To do so, the user must click on the file that will be renamed. A menu will appear in the same header as the "My Files." The user should select the pen to re-name the file.
File View
Specific files can be previewed in the vault. This means certain files can be viewed in the vault without having to preview them in a virtual machine. To preview a file, a user can either double click the file or select the file and click the view icon (the eye symbol).
Examples of file types that can be previewed in the vault are:
- PDFs
- Specific video files (.mp4 .mov)
- Code Files (.json, .py, etc)
- PNGs
- SVGs
- MP3
Users can create directories in their vault. This can be accomplished by clicking on the folder icon located to the right of the "My Files" menu. The user is prompted to give the directory a name and upon creation, the directory appears as a sub-tab of "My Files." A user can drag and drop or upload files into any directory.
Using the Upload Button
One way to upload a file is to utilize the "Upload File" icon. This icon is located at the top left side of the screen. It is an upward facing arrow with a bar underneath it. Once clicked, the content from your local computer will appear. The user can then select which file they want to upload. The file will directly upload into the folder in which the user is in.
Using the Drag and Drop method
Another way to upload a file into "My Files" is by dragging the file from the local computer into the "My Files" area. Once the area becomes highlighted in blue, the file can be dropped.
If the user wants to upload a specific file into an existing directory, the user can drag the file over the name of the directory and once that folder becomes highlighted, the file can be dropped.
The final button in the top left panel is the local machine transfer button.
Projects are a tool that is used to restrict access on resources. For more about what projects are, please visit the projects section in the management tab.
In the vault, a user can see the projects in which they are a member of. Upon selecting a project, an info panel appears with a varitey of project information and actions depending on the permissions you have. Users can view their own membership, the members that are part of the project, subprojects, project requirements and member certifications.
With the correct permissions, users can be added and removed from a project here.
It is essential that a user understands the concepts of projects in order to correctly understand and use the system to its potential.
tiCrypt Project Hierarchy Tree
The root project in the system is the "Unlocked" system. Any project created in the system is some descendant of the root. The root is called **"Unlocked"** because it is a project with NO requirements. When a new project gets created, the parent of that project is unlocked. From a project, a user can create as many subprojects as they would like. These subprojects have the same security levels of the parent project. What is essential to understand is that if there is a VM tagged by AA
, then only a drive of either AA
, A
, or ''''Unlocked'''' can be used in this drive. The same applies for transferring files into a VM. If a file is tagged by project BB
, then it can go into a VM of BB
, or BBC
. A file tagged by BB
**CANNOT** go into a VM tagged by AB
, B
, or ""Unlocked"".
Once a resource goes into a VM, it takes on that project as its own project. If there was a file tagged by A
and it was transferred into ABA
, if the file was to be removed it's project would be ABA