Welcome to the tiCrypt Profile section!
In this section
- The basic scope of the tiCrypt Profile.
- How to view your profile permissions, teams, projects, certifications and groups.
My Profile iterates your ability to achieve ownership and self-management. In particular, the user profile encapsulates the various actions a user can do based on a given set of permissions:
- . Drives: Create/ Manage drives mounted on to VM secured by encryption abilities.
- . Teams: Belong to a team and communicate with the team members.
- . Groups: Allows the creation of a collective to assist collaboration, a group per se for easy assignment to projects, and dealing with users with given constraints.
- . Mailbox: A bookkeeping feature to quickly navigate to inbox directories and exposes an access point to allow one to bring data in using web interfaces.
- . Projects: Belong to a project and communicate with the project members.
- . Certifications: This is where one can relay restrictions as needed of a special assessment to permit access to, say, a particular project. This modal iterates all the user's certifications and allows one to manage their validity in tiCrypt here.
- . Permissions: This is the knowledge dump on actions one is authorized to do.
- **Tasks:** This is a view of recently completed/ running tasks- a modal essentially tracking the progress and relaying it to the user.
- . User Menu: Place to edit and manage one's profile and look over the resource consumption of the team with its limits.
- . Notifications: Allows viewing of all actions during the user sessions, tasks, and log history.
It is helpful to often check the notification when there is a red number indicating a message or an announcement.
Profile Access
You have many viewing capabilities as a user:
- View what you are allowed to do in the system and what your are restricted to do when navigating to your profile in the top right corner under your user name.
- View what teams you are in, what projects you belong to, if you have certifications for specific tasks, and what groups you are part of. All are within the user name section.
- View messages and updates from your team admins or general admins in the notifications panel near your user name.