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Escrow Users

The escrow user section provides information on the existing escrow users. Within the Escrow Users tab, only a deletion request can be made.


  • Create Deletion Request: This action will create a deletion request for the respective use

As explained in section Delete-Escrow-User, only signed orders from the site-key administrator can manipulate the escrow users.


Send the generated .json file to the site-key administrator for counter-signing. Apply for the signed order as described in the next section

Signed Escrow Actions

All the signed, escrow-related activities that have been submitted and accepted by the system can be listed here. These actions can come from:

  • Site-key administrator when they are signed using the site key. Typical orders are related to escrow user manipulation.
  • Escrow user when they are signed with the key of a specific user.

Adding new certificates

As explained in section Escrow/Introduction, the site-key administration is performed using signed orders/certificates. For security reasons and separation of responsibilities, the site-key administrator does not have direct access to the system. In order for orders from the site-key administrator to take effect, they need to be added here.


The only allowed action is to view the signed order. Usually, the signed order provides more details on the action taken due to the signed certificate.